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Most popular places to retire in the UK

We've all got a different idea of the perfect retirement location, but these are the 10 areas in the UK that are seeing the biggest influx of over 65s.

Words by: Property News Team

Finding a home for your retirement can offer some welcome freedoms. You can prioritise moving closer to family or friends, or indulge your passion for a breathtaking beaches or idyllic countryside. There may be other practical considerations too, such as a need for good public transport links or to have healthcare close at hand.

Zoopla has looked at the 10 parts of the UK where the most people of retirement age are moving. For each area we've examined current asking prices for homes, travel time to GP surgeries and hospitals, life expectancies, number of bungalows and “happiness” ratings. We've also pinpointed five alternative retirement options which we think could offer a high quality of life in your golden years. Use the interactive map, below, to find out more.

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