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Unlock these storage hacks to maximise space

Need help to reclaim your space? Discover these tricks of the trade that will make use of every inch of space in your home.

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Words by: My Bespoke Room

Let's face it, we've all experienced the frustration of staring at cluttered spaces and wishing for a magical solution to make it all disappear.

Well, you’re in luck as we’ve tapped into the minds of our expert Interior Designers to uncover their secrets of storage sorcery. Get ready to bid farewell to chaotic corners and say hello to clever storage solutions!

The cupboard under the stairs

My Bespoke Room: the cupboard under the stairs

Now, unless you have a magical nephew hiding under there, your under stairs space should be getting utilised! 

This may seem like a pretty obvious storage spot, but there are so many ways you can maximise this space instead of just hanging a few coats.

Consider installing bespoke storage, which will tailor every inch to your storage needs. Think mini desk space, pull out shelves or a bench with shoe storage beneath.

But if this is out of your budget, think about nailing some shelves into the wall or bringing in a cabinet or two - you can now even get cube shelving purposely built to fit under your stairs!

Multifunctional seating

Our designer’s number 1 hack for small dining rooms is incorporating a sneaky little dining bench.

These benches allow you to place your table closer to the wall, saving floor space, and if you’re extra clever, you can utilise the space beneath as storage.

An affordable idea is using the ever-so-popular IKEA Kallax unit on its side, placing pillows above - this way you have seating with storage boxes below.

Using every nook and cranny 

Ever looked at the odd-shaped corners and alcoves in your home and thought how on earth am I going to fill that space?! 

These are our designer's favourite storage spots - those awkward gaps are just crying out to be filled with storage.

Fireplace alcoves

For you lucky fireplace owners, think about floating some shelves in those alcoves and maybe even installing some closed cabinets to hide bits and bobs you don’t want on display.

These sneaky spots are also great for hiding away your TV or placing an armchair and floor lamp to create a cosy reading nook.


When it comes to eaves (that spot in your room with a sloped ceiling), they can offer a unique opportunity for storage. 

Affordable options for these spaces are shorter cabinets or lining up slim shelving units like a staircase to match the height of your ceiling.

To fully maximise this spot, we recommend opting for a bespoke solution that will effortlessly fill the space.

What’s hiding under the bed?

We’re all prone to chucking something under the bed when we don't want to find something a permanent home.

But we challenge you to deep dive in and have a good old declutter, once you've sorted out what stays, stash it in stylish storage bins or baskets for a tidier space.

If you’re in the market for a new bed, consider an ottoman bed which will allow you to store items more discreetly.

Multifunctional one-offs

At My Bespoke Room, we really do love multifunctional furniture, and if you don’t want to invest in a large built-in piece, we have some other ideas for you.

Ottoman footstools are perfect for living rooms as they have so many uses, from an extra seat to a coffee table and doubling up with storage underneath - you really can’t go wrong!

Talking about ottomans, did you know your sofa can also double up as storage too?

If you’re a social butterfly, nesting coffee tables are a great place to store a few extra seats for when friends come around.

Shelving units 101

Shelves are the backbone of the storage world and really maximise your vertical space, but with so many choices which will save you the most space?

Slim standing shelves 

If you require a lot of storage, standing shelves offer floor to ceiling space for all your bits and bobs. 

However, when you’re low on space, search for slimmer designs which optimise the height of your room without sticking out too much.

Floating shelves

To make your storage almost invisible, hang some floating shelves and paint them the same colour as the wall behind.

This way you can display photos and store books effortlessly, making your space feel clutter-free.

Corner units

Perfect for awkward corners that you just don’t know how to fill, these corner shelving units can display beloved décor or be the perfect alternative to a bar cart with glass and spirit storage galore.

Sliding shelves

Say goodbye to blindly digging through the back of your cupboard!

Installing sliding shelves into your cabinets gives you a whole new view of your space as you can utilise the deep storage without having to rummage through items at the back.

At My Bespoke Room, our designers are ready to transform your room for just £395. So if you’re ready to maximise your space to its full potential, it may be time to get in touch with our interior design experts!

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