‘Own New - Rate Reducer’ is a brand new scheme offering lower fixed rate mortgage deals for buyers of new-build homes. Let’s find out more.
‘Own New - Rate Reducer’ is a brand new scheme offering lower fixed rate mortgage deals for buyers of new-build homes. Let’s find out more.
First-time buyers can claim a stamp duty discount when buying a home. But the threshold at which you start paying is set to change from £425,000 to £300,000 on April 1.
Saving up to buy a new home? An ISA could be just the ticket. Here’s how you could use one to get onto the housing ladder - or move up it.
A Lifetime ISA is an ISA with benefits. You can save up to £4,000 a year with one and the government will chip in an extra 25%. That’s up to £1,000, for free.
Ready to step onto the property ladder? Saving for a deposit can feel like a huge task, but a bigger deposit can save you money in the long run. Here's what help you can get and how much you need for a house deposit in 2025.
For everything you need to know about buying a home, follow our step-by-step guide and you’ll be a pro in no time.
From sorting an agreement in principle to arranging the mortgage offer, how do you apply for a mortgage when you're a first-time buyer? Let's take a look.
Before you take up a second job, flog all your worldly possessions on eBay and swear off takeaway lattes forever, here's how to get started.
Ready to start home hunting? We've got all the tools you need: from mapping out your favourite streets to checking travel times to the local pub. Let's find your dream home.