The latest articles on selling

  1. If you're buying another home which you won't be living in, you may well be liable to pay the 3% stamp duty on second homes. We break down the complex rules in our dedicated Q&A.

  2. The challenges facing first time buyers and uspizers right now all boil down to one thing: affordability. And buyers in the south of England are suffering the most on this front. Our Executive Director of Research, Richard Donnell, takes a look at what’s happening in the housing market.

  3. Gazundering is when a buyer slashes their offer on your home, usually at the last minute. It’s every seller’s worst nightmare. Here’s how to protect yourself from it happening to you.

  4. Seller discounts narrow in spring 2024 as more sales are agreed. Momentum is growing in the housing market and house prices don't need to fall further to support the continued recovery in sales.

  5. When you’re selling a home, there are certain services you’ll need to pay for. From estate agent fees to legal expenses, let’s talk selling costs.

  6. You're ready to make the leap to somewhere new. So how do you get started with the whole selling process and how long does it all take?

  7. What's the best asking price to put on your home? Too high and you could be left waiting, too low and you may later regret it. Here's how to get it right.
