Step 3 of 4

Manage time and costs

Staying on top of the detail from start to finish is the key to any successful home renovation. Here's how to manage the project, keep within budget and hire the right professionals.

Estimating building materials

With the cost of building materials and expertise on the rise, here's how do you make sure you're getting the best value for any home improvements you're planning.

Renovation project management

Pick the right professional team to design, manage and deliver your project and build a 10% contingency into your budget. How to project manage your renovation.

Doing it yourself

Simple changes can have a high impact when it comes to improving your home yourself. Check out our top tips for renovating on a budget.

  • Tempted as you might be to do it yourself, anything involving gas, new electrical circuits, windows and waste pipes is definitely best left to those qualified to do it.

  • There’s a wealth of insight available from experienced professionals online. Let’s take a look at the best places to find it.