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Has your property for the U-Factor? reveals A-Z of property values

5th April 2013

  • Streets names starting with U have highest average property values: £251,307
  • Streets beginning with Z have the lowest average property values: £180,046
  • Property on streets beginning with a vowel worth £6,306 more than consonant

Forget streets with the X-factor, living on a street with a name beginning with the letter ‘U’ could mean your property is worth a lot more, according to new research from property website

Average property prices on streets that start with a ‘U’ currently stand at £251,307 - the highest of any letter in the alphabet – and £25,503 more than the current average UK property value of £225,804. analysed average house prices of the more than three quarters of a million streets in the UK. The most expensive street beginning with ‘U’ is Upper Phillimore Gardens where the average home is worth £5,640,496.

At the other end of the scale, streets beginning with the letter ‘Z’ have the lowest property values, with the average property worth just £180,046 – 20% less than the UK average. One particular example is Zeus Lane in Waterlooville, Hampshire. Despite being named after a Greek god, property values on the street are far from Olympian. The average property value on the street is just £141,278, 37% lower than the national average of £225,804.

Streets beginning with the letters T (£248,008) and O (£244,450) came in second and third respectively in terms of the highest average property values, while those starting with the letters J (£190,802) and A (£211,744) record the second and third lowest property prices.

And vowels beat consonants hands down when it comes to house prices. The average property on a street beginning with a vowel is worth £6,306 (3%) more than a street beginning with a consonant. Street names beginning with a consonant have an average property value of £222,789, compared to £229,095 for those with a vowel.

Lawrence Hall of comments:: “It seems that there may be more to a street name than meets the eye. With a £70,000 difference between the average property price on streets starting with the letters U and Z, and a £6,000 difference on average on streets beginning with vowels and consonants, it is advisable to select your street wisely.”

Starting Letter No. of UK Streets Avg Property Value
U 3,565 £251,307
T 44,927 £248,008
O 16,358 £244,450
H 53,223 £234,045
C 77,769 £233,873
P 36,065 £233,550
W 50,979 £231,145
F 25,835 £228,489
L 39,563 £228,400
S 71,304 £228,237
B 71,884 £227,105
Q 3,826 £226,824
N 18,475 £225,911
R 31,154 £223,241
M 51,216 £221,498
K 16,728 £221,106
G 33,335 £219,248
I 4,316 £219,125
E 19,216 £218,849
D 25,395 £218,643
Y 2,751 £218,367
V 7,752 £217,240
A 31,333 £211,744
J 5,565 £190,802
Z 180 £180,046

Source: (March 2013)

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