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    Small children running through the front door of their home as their parents follow behind

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    A complete guide to buying a home

    Buying a home is a big deal. From finding that perfect pad right through to exchanging contracts, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

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    The latest on buying a property

    All the news, tips and guides you need to buy your next home.

    • A third of homes for sale are cheaper to buy than rent, with the average first-time buyer saving £93 a month on a mortgage instead of renting.

    • From a Scottish castle featured in Netflix’s The Crown, to ‘castle’ houses in Oxfordshire, and a Baronial-style castle in Devon, here are the hottest homes with battlements available now.

    • Looking for an unusual home? From a James Bond-style superhome to a home on the most beautiful street in the Cotswolds, one of these quirky gems might just have your name on it.

    • Moving costs a fortune, right? So where can you save a bit of cash in the process? Never with the conveyancing process. Always get the professionals in for this bit.

    • Finding the best insurance policy to protect your home and its contents might just turn out to be one of the best things you ever did.

    • Moving house is a massive deal. Packing up your whole world and shipping it off to a new home is exciting and - we won’t lie - exhausting.

    • While moving to a smaller home may appeal, the process can seem daunting. Here's how to make sure everything goes smoothly.

    Our experts answer your questions about buying a home

    How much do I need for a deposit to buy a house?

    Many banks still prefer first-time buyers to have a 10% minimum deposit in 2024. Although under the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme (which runs until June 2025) it's possible to get a mortgage with a 5% deposit.

    How long does it take to buy a house?

    The timeline to buying a home can vary. Aside from the time it takes to find a home you love, it normally takes 6 to 12 weeks to buy it. In some cases, it can take up to six months. The conveyancing part alone can take up to three months. But there are things you can do to speed up the process.

    What is the process of buying a house?

    Start by working out what you can afford with our mortgage calculator. Consider how much stamp duty you’ll pay and if you can improve your credit score before you pre-apply for a mortgage.

    Then for the exciting bit: start house-hunting. Use our handy search tools and download our viewing checklist to keep sight of the important things.

    When you find a place you love, hire a conveyancer to help you make an offer and sort the paperwork. There might be some negotiations before you exchange and complete.

    What credit score is needed to buy a house?

    A healthy credit score can get you a better mortgage deal, as it shows lenders you’re reliable at repaying money.

    The three credit scoring agencies in the UK have different point systems - but the higher the number, the better.

    You can improve your credit score by paying off debts, getting on the electoral roll and making consistent credit payments.